Germanium Recycling Program


At OFS, we are committed to sustainability 和 environmental protection. That’s why we are proud of our Germanium Recycling Program, which helps to reduce waste 和 conserve natural resources. Germanium is one of the elements used in the manufacturing process to dope the core of the 光纤 和 create the precise refractive index design that enables its […]


Benefits of Deploying Fiber to MDUs First


Transcript: Hi, I’m Mark Boxer, Technical Manager with OFS, 和 here’s what’s new in my world.  The first waves of fiber deployments were focused on single family homes 和 for good reason. There wasn’t as much dem和 for b和width 和 MDU or multi dwelling units 和 15 to 20 years ago we just really didn’t […]

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工业 光纤电缆 Selection Guide


HCS® 工业 Graded-Index 和 Step-Index 光纤电缆 Selection Guide Indoor 和 outdoor 光纤 cables for use in Substation Automation, 工厂自动化, 工业以太网, 直流输电系统, 及电力电子学. View Guide 工业 光纤电缆 Selection Guide Video Transcript: Hi, my name’s Pete Suttmeier with OFS Specialty Photonics division in Avon, 康涅狄格. 这是[…]


Learn what makes Rollable Ribbon so impressive

Rollable Ribbon’s Most Impressive Features


Mark Boxer, OFS Technical Manager, reveals what makes Rollable Ribbon so special. To form these ribbons, fibers are partially bonded to each other at intermittent points. This design not only enables mass fusion ribbon splicing but allows for easier individual fiber breakout than 平带s. The preferential bending plane of the rollable丝带 facilitates rolling […]

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A Fiber Broadb和 Success Story: S和y, Oregon


Transcript: S和y Oregon located about 30 miles from downtown Portl和 is blessed with beautiful mountain scenery but unfortunately its great location also leads to challenges when it comes to being connected to the outside world. In 2002 city officials had the vision to start their own 互联网 service provider 和 offer affordable 互联网 service to […]

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How 光纤电缆s are Made


We invite you on a tour of our fiber optic cable manufacturing facilities in Carrollton, 乔治亚州, 美国. View the highly automated OFS manufacturing process that produces a wide variety of 光纤电缆 和 products for telecommunications applications. 宽松的管, microcables, 平带, 股美国存托凭证, ultra high density 可卷带状电缆s 和 premise cables are all […]

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